Crowded Front Teeth: What Are My Options?

Cosmetic Dentist in Manchester

So, your front teeth are crowded huh? And you just don’t like them. What are you going to do? What are your options? This is a common dilemma in dentistry. Here at our cosmetic dentist in Manchester, one of our main goals is to help patients understand their options so they can determine what is best for them individually. Let’s discuss those options including the pros and cons of each option.

Option # 1: Braces!

I know, I know. Right now you are thinking: “Braces?! That’s for kids! I don’t want braces!” Hear me out. Braces, while traditionally considered primarily just for adolescents, are a great option for adults as well. Here at CT Family Dentistry Dr. Dean treats crowding with Invisalign (clear braces) and when needed we also refer patients to an orthodontist. Here are the pros and cons.

Pros: Generally no drilling on your teeth. This option preserves as much tooth as possible. One of the things about teeth, is that once you remove it, it doesn’t grow back. So the more tooth structure we can keep the better.

Cons: You can see the braces. It takes months to years to complete treatment. Can be expensive.

Option # 2: Veneers!

Veneers are generally porcelain restorations that are placed over the front of teeth to help improve the color, contour, and position of front teeth.  Both Drs. Dean and Rogers provide this treatment. Here are the pros and cons.

Pros: Quick! Generally this is done over a month or sometimes in one visit. If you are unhappy with the color or shape of your teeth this can correct that as well.

Cons: Generally we have to drill on your teeth. Depending on the position of your teeth, it could be a lot. Can also be expensive.

In summary, if you have crowded front teeth and are unhappy with them come visit our cosmetic dentist in Manchester for a no-charge consultation so we can determine what is the best treatment option for you.


  • by Yesenia Cortez Posted May 5, 2018 5:56 pm

    I have crowded teeth will it hurt me if I put braces on it and how much will cost me.

    • by ctfamdental Posted May 7, 2018 12:04 pm

      Hi Yesenia! We’d love to help you see if Invisalign is the right option for you with a free consultation. Feel free to call our office at 860-646-1704 and we’ll get something up!

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