A Happy Work Family

When you spend 40 hours of your week at work, you generally want to have mostly cordial relationships with your fellow team members as well as a comfortable working environment. Fortunately, I got way more than I bargained for upon starting my journey here at our Manchester family dental office a year and a half ago.

In my eyes, my colleagues are truly and extension of my family. Not only do we spend more hours

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together than our spouses, but we also make plans to hang out outside of work too. There have been countless times where our patients have said, “Wow, you guys really like working together, don’t you?” We always laugh and agree, further explaining that we love coming to work because our patients and coworkers are, for lack of a better word…a blast.

Seeing that it is the holiday season, all of us decided that we weren’t quite merry enough, and just had to schedule a fun gathering (spouses/siggy O’s included). We settled on Agave Restaurant in Hartford. We had an exciting evening filled with fabulous food, fabulous people, and even more fabulous games. In fact, my stomach hurt from laughing so much. We even squeezed in a Yankee Swap game with some very big ticket items including a black tote with a bag of oreos, a snow flake onesie, and the infamous Squatty Potty. Lots of “stealing” took place, but all in good fun.

The silliest game of all was inspired by a video that one of my coworkers found on Facebook (a very valuable source, at that). It was essentially a ping pong ball challenge in which all of the participants strapped an empty tissue box around their waist and were told to jump/hop/move to dislodge three ping pong balls from their box without using their hands. First one to drop all three WINS! We played several rounds and got an insanely good laugh each time.

My work family is literally the best, and I am so thankful to have met each and every person on our team! Not only do we perform exceptional dentistry at our Manchester family dental office, but we treat all of our patients like family too. If they feel at home and cared for, then we’ve truly succeeded.