“It’s Only a Cleaning!”


Dentist in Manchester

This was a funny shirt that a great patient at our wore into the office a little while ago. Classic shirt, it made me laugh. But in all seriousness, how many people are there out there who like going to the dentist in Manchester? Not that many. And those that do generally have no problems and only get their teeth cleaned.

In today’s busy world we have so many things vying for our time: family, work, friends, play, etc. Sometimes the thing that gets forgotten or overlooked is taking care of ourselves. I know, right know you are thinking, “I have no problem taking care of myself. I go to the spa, gym, vacation, jogging, etc.” This is all great and needed, but sometimes we forget that we need to see a dentist in Manchester or a physician on a regular basis to make sure we don’t have any problems.

Problems are always easiest and cheapest to address when they are small. Most people don’t enjoy getting their oil changed, but know that a $30 oil change 4 times a year is better in the long run than a new engine that can cost over $2000. This is normal maintenance. Our bodies need normal maintenance as well. This is in the form of a hygiene appointment every 6 months.

At Connecticut Family Dentistry, at your hygiene visit, your hygienist will evaluate your gums and tissues, take radiographs as needed, do an oral cancer exam, discuss your oral hygiene habits, make recommendations as needed, and of course clean your teeth. Sometimes we have patients who call to reschedule their hygiene visit and tell us, “It’s only a cleaning.” It is much more than this. It is similar to the oil change. Sometimes if you put off an oil change long enough the fix costs more time and a lot more money.

For example, someone who comes in for a hygiene appointment and has a cleaning, exam and four x-rays spends about $232. If this person also has a cavity in one tooth it can cost $259 (all without insurance), for a grand total of $491. Ouch! But let’s assume this person doesn’t think a cleaning is important and doesn’t come in. This cavity can get bigger overtime and end up needing a root canal, filling, and crown, resulting in a grand total at the dentist in Manchester of over $2500 and 2-3 visits to complete the treatment—over five times as expensive.

While we have many important things in our lives we should make sure we take time to properly take care of the person who matters most—ourselves.