Status Update

March 24th, 2020

Dear Patients,

Our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients, families, staff and community. In this unprecedented time, we are deeply committed to keeping everyone safe and healthy.

We have been following the directives from the CDC, CSDA, and ADA, and in light of the evolving pandemic and out of an abundance of caution, have decided to postpone elective and routine care for the time being. We believe that this decision will allow us more time to effectively evaluate this dynamic situation and assist in following the CDC’s guidance on social separation. In summary, patients will only be seen for very specific urgent and emergency dental care. This will be in effect until at least April 22nd, 2020. The time frame may change as we continue to monitor the recommended guidelines.

In order to execute our plan, our clinical team will be evaluating each of their patients individually and we will be contacting you regarding our recommendations for your dental care and the appointment itself.

We wish all of you continued health and strength during this challenging and confusing time. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns.


All of us at CT Family Dentistry