What Is Invisalign and How Does It Work?

Something I hear on almost a daily basis is, “I didn’t wear my retainer after braces, and now my teeth have shifted.” Well guess what? I’m personally in the same boat. I hated wearing braces and wasn’t great at cleaning around those terrible brackets and wires. This is one of the reasons Invisalign in Manchester gives me much excitement.

Invisalign aligners are clear trays, which can be taken in and out of the mouth, while still moving teeth like traditional braces. They are virtually invisible and you can still eat all the foods you love without worry. The technology behind Invisalign uses a set of trays you change out every 1-2 weeks, which aligns teeth over time. There is no need to come into the office every time you change trays because we give you most or all of them at the beginning. This frees up time you would normally spend at an orthodontist getting wires tightened every few weeks.

Invisalign in Manchester

The process is easy; we always start with a consultation to go over the process and answer any questions you may have. It may involve some pictures and intraoral 3-D imaging to submit for a “before and after” staging. This will allow you to see what the outcome will be before you decide to purse treatment. The only main rule that must be followed during Invisalign in Manchester is to keep the trays in your mouth at least 22 hours per day in order for results to be achieved. The complexity of the movements needed will determine how many trays will be necessary for complete treatment.

Invisalign in Manchester starts at as little as 5 trays. Even after treatment is completed, you will still have the option to request a “refinement,” or a few more trays if you want small adjustments to be made in order to make everything perfect. After Invisalign treatment is completed, we will recommend wearing clear retainers to keep things in place. Many people can have movement in as little as a few days and we want you to be happy with the result long-term.

We actually see more adults that either have had some crowding of teeth over time or have never thought about changing their teeth until now. Even if you aren’t interested in aligned teeth for cosmetic reasons, straighter teeth are actually much easier to clean and can prevent periodontal disease from starting. No matter how old or young you are, or how big or small of movement you want, we cater to your needs and provide Invisalign treatments to almost anyone. Call our office for a free consult and you may even see a few of us in current treatment!