Let Your Own Body Help You Heal

Here at CT Family Dentistry located in Manchester we pride ourselves not only on the newest of technologies, but our ability to stay educated and informed on newer techniques that benefit our patients. Let me introduce you to a newer approach in dentistry known as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which our cosmetic dentists in Connecticut use. Sounds pretty cool, right? Not only is does it sound awesome, but it’s also very beneficial to patients receiving oral surgery.

Cosmetic dentists in CT using PRP

Maybe it’s time for those wisdom teeth to come out, or in the case of any tooth in the mouth needing tobe removed, your body is there for you as well as we are. Any patient is eligible for PRP, and the entire process is explained before the procedure begins. All we need from the patient is a good vein and just a little blood, which is all performed by a trained professional.

The process of PRP begins with blood being drawn from the patient. After a small amount of blood is drawn, it is then spun down in our centrifuge in the office. Once the blood has been spun down, there is then a concentration of platelets present in a gel like form. This is then placed into the wound site to promote healing. Why do we do this? To help the patient heal better and more efficiently.

PRP actually gained widespread acceptance in sport medicine and orthopedic surgeries, and is now finding its ways into dental offices. Patients seen by our cosmetic dentists in Connecticut can take full advantage of their own bodies healing capabilities because of the use of PRP at CT Family Dentistry. During the actual healing process, the PRP sends different cell types, including platelets, to the site of trauma. We want you to heal fast and well and this process helps tremendously with this. The faster the patient heals the less the risk for infections or other complications.

There is no way one can go wrong with deciding to use their own body for adequate healing, especially with the evidence of its success as well as its safety.