Invisalign Experience: How it works!

A few months have passed since I wrote my blog about being an Invisalign dentist in Manchester so I wanted to give everyone an update. After thinking more about the process and potential outcomes, I was inspired to start Invisalign treatment on myself!

Even though I am a dentist, I am just like everyone else. I didn’t wear my retainers after braces and I found myself with shifted and rotated teeth that weren’t there before.  I could see it in pictures and I never realized how Invisalign treatment can make a huge difference.

I started the process with 3D digital imaging and pictures of my teeth. Once I sent them to Invisalign I got to see my “ClinCheck” or my before-and-after of my treatment. My treatment was 10 trays and I saw a decent movement in my front teeth. I was excited, but nervous to start treatment. I care about the health of my teeth and I didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize it. Knowing so much about it as an Invisalign dentist in Manchester and seeing so many amazing results in my patients, I knew I had to trust the process.

invisalign dentist in manchesterThe day I got my Invisalign delivered was interesting. I had to get used to something foreign in my mouth and I felt like I spoke with a lisp. After a few days, I realized I was getting used to it and within a week or two I would forget that I even had my trays in. I wore my trays at least 22 hours a day and changed once a week. I would be sore the first 24 hours of a new tray but it was nothing like the soreness I remember with braces.

The weeks FLEW by and before I knew it I was done with my treatment! I couldn’t believe the small changes that happened before my eyes. After finishing my treatment, I did some smoothing and contouring with a polishing disc to make my teeth look just right. I am now in my retainers, but pretty soon will only be wearing them at night.

Overall, I was thrilled with the process and very happy with the outcome. I would recommend Invisalign treatment to anyone looking to make a change in their teeth, not matter how big or small the movements are. You are never too old to make a difference in your smile and I am grateful as an Invisalign dentist in Manchester for the opportunity to make that difference in all of my patients.