The Best Tooth Replacement Options in Connecticut

The Best Tooth Replacement Options

Many people struggle with the esthetic, functional, and physiological challenges of missing teeth. There are many options available to lessen and eliminate these challenges. You can help maintain and optimize both your dental and overall health by exploring what’s possible in the world of tooth replacement.

If you’re struggling with tooth loss or any other dental issues, visit the experts at Connecticut Family Dentistry. The dentists here are family-oriented professionals who deal with various dental conditions, including tooth loss. Give us a call at 860-646-1704 to schedule an appointment today to learn more.

The following list of the tooth replacement options are offered at CT Family Dentistry:

  1. Dental Implants
  2. Bridges
  3. Partial Dentures
  4. Complete Dentures


1) Dental Implants

A dental implant can be used to replace a missing tooth. The implant body is surgically placed into the bone and given time to heal for about 4 months. For tooth replacement in the esthetic zone, a temporary tooth can be made during the healing period. When the site is fully healed, a healing cap is removed and the implant is restored.  An abutment serves as the base of your new tooth and a crown is cemented onto it. Your tooth is restored to its optimal shape and function.


  • High success rate and great durability
  • Low-maintenance
  • Bone preservation
  • No chance of decay
  • Esthetically pleasing
  • Functional


2) Bridges

If a dental implant is not an option for you, a bridge can be used. Bridges are anchored to teeth on either side of the missing tooth, and require multiple appointments. In other cases, a bridge may be used to replace several missing teeth in a row. A bridge is a fixed prosthesis.

In some cases, an implant-supported bridge may be an option for you if you’re needing to replace a series of missing teeth. Your doctor will determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.


  • Esthetically appealing regarding size, shape, and color
  • Shade can be matched to existing teeth
    • Durable and long-lasting
    • Non-removable
    • No surgery involved


3) Partial Dentures

If the previously mentioned fixed tooth replacement options are not appropriate for you, a removable partial denture can be fabricated to replace one or more missing teeth and will allow you to retain your healthy teeth. All removable partial dentures are custom-made, which means that the prosthesis will be made to fit your mouth.

Dental implants can be placed to increase retention for your partial denture. The partial can be adapted to snap onto the implants.


  • Cost-effective
  • Non-invasive
  • 2-month turnaround time
  • Subsequent teeth can be added to your existing partial if tooth loss occurs in the future
  • Improved speech and eating abilities


4) Complete Dentures

For patients requiring replacement of all teeth in the upper and/or lower arch of the mouth, removable dentures are an excellent treatment option. They provide improved esthetics by replacing the missing teeth in the mouth, and improved overall function for eating and speech.

In order to increase retention, an implant-supported denture can be made. In this case, the doctor will place two or more implants that your denture can snap onto, holding the denture securely in place.


  • Esthetic appeal
  • Improved speech and eating abilities
  • Customizable tooth options
  • Cheek and lip support


With so many tooth replacement options available, it can be hard to sort through all the details and determine what is best for you. By working with reliable dentists like those at Connecticut Family Dentistry you will be able to openly discuss your options and create a personalized treatment plan that is comfortable for you and your pocket. Finding the right replacement option for your missing teeth is easy and enjoyable with the help and care of our dentists, clinicians, and front desk staff.

You can learn more about Connecticut Family Dentistry and what we have to offer by calling us at 860-646-1704. We’re here for all of our patients and those who genuinely want to invest in their future and make their dental goals come to fruition. Call us today!

If you would like to read more about each tooth replacement option, please read the article below.


The Best Tooth Replacement Options

The Best Tooth Replacement Options


Having one or more missing teeth is a fairly common occurrence. In fact, nearly one-third of the adult US population between the ages of 40 and 64 have one or more missing teeth. Furthermore, there are some people over 60 years of age who have lost nearly all of their natural teeth due to various reasons. These people are now confronted with the challenge of figuring out a tooth replacement option that is best for them based on their motivators and concerns surrounding dental treatment.

In the event that you need an extraction, or you already have a missing tooth, the key to effective tooth replacement is bone preservation.  When a tooth is extracted, bone loss occurs rapidly. The amount of bone that you have available will impact your tooth replacement option. With regular follow-ups after extractions and with the help of a 3D x-ray, we can determine how your bone density looks and can advise accordingly.

If you’re struggling with missing teeth or other dental issues, come see us at Connecticut Family Dentistry. As a family dental office, we offer compassionate and personalized care, a variety of treatment options, and flexible payment arrangements so that your dream of a beautiful smile can become a reality. We offer it all under one roof using state of the art technology and minimal visits to the office in a comfortable, family atmosphere. Call us today at 860-646-1704 to schedule an appointment or simply to learn more!

A Quick Overview of the Article

There are four different types of tooth replacement options. Some options will work well for some, but not for others since every patient has unique circumstances. There are benefits and drawbacks to each option, and the doctor will help you determine the option that best fits your needs.

The following tooth replacement options will be discussed:

  • Dental Implants
  • Bridges
  • Partial Dentures
  • Complete Dentures

1) Dental Implants

Dental implants have become the standard of care for single tooth replacement. The implant has the ability to integrate with natural bone, and is restored with a crown to be a fully-functioning tooth. A dental implant offers a strong foundation for crowns, bridges, and dentures depending on how many missing teeth you have.

During the first phase, the dentist will surgically insert the titanium implant. Then, the dentist recommends a 4-month healing period while avoiding chewing on that side prior to delivering the permanent crown during the second phase.

If you have initiated the dental implant process for a front tooth, a temporary placeholder can be provided for esthetic purposes during the healing period before the permanent crown is cemented.


  • They have a high success rate and offer a permanent solution in regard to higher durability.
  • Esthetically appealing
  • Sometimes, an extraction and dental implant can occur on the same day in a single surgery.
  • While being expensive in the short term, when you consider their long-term applicability, they are more cost-effective than alternate solutions.
  • Other than regular dental checkups, maintaining them is quite easy.


  • The treatment requires surgery for the initial phase.
  • Most expensive tooth replacement option
  • The treatment extends over the course of several months between the surgery phase and the crown restoration phase.
  • There is a small chance that the implant can fail.
  • Additional procedures may be required to create enough space for a dental implant to be placed.

2) Bridges

A bridge is another reliable fixed tooth replacement option if you are not a candidate for a dental implant. It uses teeth on either side of the missing tooth for anchors of support, and typically requires multiple appointments from start to finish. In other cases, a bridge may be used to replace several missing teeth in a row.

Additionally, an implant-supported bridge may be an option for you if you’re needing to replace a series of missing teeth. Your doctor will determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.


  • They look like natural teeth.
  • They do not require surgery.
  • They are fixed in place making them durable.


  • They are appropriate only when the missing teeth remain adjacent to each other.
  • Fixed prosthetics are more expensive than removeable ones.
  • You can’t floss around the entire bridge because the crowns are fused together.
  • The remaining tooth structure under the bridge is prone to decay.
  • The anchor teeth will require preparation even if there are no cavities on them.

3) Partial Dentures

If the previously mentioned fixed tooth replacement options are not appropriate for you, you might consider getting a removable partial denture. It can be fabricated to replace one or more missing teeth and will allow you to retain your healthy teeth. All removable partial dentures are custom-made, which means that the prosthesis will be made to fit your mouth.

Dental implants can be placed to increase retention for your partial denture. The partial can be adapted to snap onto the implants.

Partials provide improved esthetics by replacing the missing teeth, and they offer improved overall function for speech as well as eating. It will typically take about 5 appointments to complete this process from start to finish.


  • They’re cost-effective.
  • They are a non-surgical option.
  • They replace gaps in your mouth created by missing teeth.
  • Teeth can be added to an existing partial denture.
  • Maintain vertical dimension and provide lip support.
  • They can improve speaking and eating abilities.


  • They don’t always fit or function properly, especially over time.
  • You may need multiple adjustments and subsequently more appointments to optimize fit. Patients can get sore spots if the partial is not fitting comfortably.
  • They can put strain on your remaining dentition.
  • There can be debris buildup if not cleaned properly and regularly.
  • They easily break if you drop them.

4) Complete Dentures

If fixed options aren’t for you, and you have lost or are going to lose all of your natural teeth, a complete denture can replace those teeth. Dentures are a tissue supported prosthesis that replaces a fully edentulous arch. Complete dentures are made out of acrylic and have customizable prosthetic teeth.

There are many types of dentures, including temporary or immediate dentures that can be delivered to you on the day the teeth are taken out. There are also implant supported dentures to help increase retention and comfort. Lastly, a more involved and costly option called All-on-4, involves inserting four or more implants into the bone on the upper or lower arch and attaching the denture directly to those implants, most often with a bar to stabilize. There is much less material along the upper palate in these cases, so people enjoy the conservative feel. People also find a benefit in having a totally fixed prosthesis.


  • They improve esthetics.
  • They can help improve speech and eating.
  • They maintain vertical dimension and provide lip support.
  • The size, shape, and color of the teeth are customizable.
  • They can be relined to improve fit as your bone changes.
  • They are a cost-effective way to replace many teeth.


  • Bone loss continues to occur and sore spots can develop, requiring many adjustments.
  • Surgery is required to remove remaining teeth.
  • They can easily break when dropped.
  • Bulky denture material along upper palate can aggravate gag reflex (regular complete dentures).
  • Adhesive may be needed for retention (regular complete dentures).




With so many tooth replacement options available, it can be hard to sort through all the details and determine what is best for you. By working with reliable dentists like those at Connecticut Family Dentistry you will be able to openly discuss your options and create a personalized treatment plan that is comfortable for you and your pocket. Finding the right replacement option for your missing teeth is easy and enjoyable with the help and care of our dentists, clinicians, and front desk staff.

You can learn more about Connecticut Family Dentistry and what we have to offer by calling us at 860-646-1704. We’re here for all of our patients and for those who genuinely want to invest in their future and make their dental goals come to fruition. Call us today!